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Archetypal Journey

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“We are all leaves of one tree. We are all waves of one sea.”

-Thich Nhat Hanh


  • The book “Archetypal journey” discusses the connection between the cosmos, mythology and the Psyche. It explores the journey of archetypes as archetypes function as frameworks or templates that colour our perception and influence our psyche. It seeks to restore the forgotten symmetry by helping us get a thorough understanding of the archetypal journey.

  • It is natural to feel clueless about where, how, when the archetypal journey begins. Hence, this book provides us with appropriate solutions to these questions by gaining insight about archetypes, persona, shadow, enmeshment and hero’s journey.  This book advocates awareness, integration, acceptance and transformation.

  • The objective of this book is to enable the readers to observe the archetypal patterns, move towards self acceptance, resolve conflicts, reduce suffering and begin the journey of exploration, integration and transformation. The book strives to show the path to reconnect with the unconscious mind, accept every part (good or bad) of oneself and one’s relationships, communicate better with others and welcome fresh possibilities. 

  • This book shows the equanimity between two areas, Mythology and Psychology. The archetypal journeys taken in the mythological stories connects spirituality with the archetypal journey. These interesting stories present varied applications of archetypes by hero’s, heroine’s and anti-hero’s. These diverse applications inspire us to undertake the hero’s or heroine’s journey. Mythology as a representation of archetypes can be understood better with the following quote by Margot Adler, an American author and journalist.

       “The Gods and Goddesses of myth, legend and fairy tale represent archetypes, real potencies and potentialities deep within

       the psyche, which, when allowed to flower permit us to be more fully human”.

       -Margot Adler

  • The archetypal energies may function in the service of the light or the shadow. As we stay connected to different people in varied contexts, this book presents collective recalibration as the key to achieve congruence and cross the threshold. This book helps us identify enmeshment in one’s relationships and the need to release oneself from the enmeshment to enjoy healthy relationships.

  • This book encourages us to embark on a new journey of integrating the opposite genders, masculinity and femininity and broaden our horizons. It also explains the need to integrate the shadow part of self and the archetypal polarities into one’s personality.

  • As we accept our calling and choose to move towards the light, we begin a transformative journey called as the hero’s journey which provides us with remarkable life lessons. The hero’s journey stays unfinished till we complete the last step of committing to change and applying all the lessons learnt in real life.

  • This book helps us prepare ourselves to heal by acknowledging the missing archetypes and our past wounds. It is a reservoir of knowledge that encourages the healing process and enhances willingness to change from within. 

  • This book is a revelation of many underlying mysteries revolving around the brain, mind and consciousness. This book is in the service of the soul as it upholds humanness, vision, foresight, light, courage, love, persistence and patience.

Why did I write this book?

  • The sole purpose of writing this book was to enable the readers realise the deeper truths about themselves and the relationships they share with their loved ones. This can be a tough challenge as we may feel uncomfortable to explore the unknown and social inhibitions can come into play. Nevertheless, being ready to face challenges with strength, recognise the archetypal patterns and the shadow that lies in the unconscious, know ourselves better, become aware of the problems we’re facing, and being committed to work upon the unhealthy parts of oneself and one’s relationships.

  • It can help us identify the innate archetypal patterns and the persona (mask that we wear in front of society), archetypal polarities, shadow and enmeshment in relationships. This is important because these elements of the archetypal journey guide our thoughts, actions and emotions in the most fundamental way.

  • This book promotes conflict resolution and self acceptance in two ways. First is through acceptance and integration of archetypal polarities into one’s personality to restore the balance. Second is through acceptance and integration of the shadow.

  • It helps us dive deeper and comprehend the interconnectedness and functioning of the brain, mind, personality, consciousness and soul. This highlights the importance of maintaining balance (equilibrium) by ensuring congruence as we set forth the archetypal journey.

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How will this book benefit you?

  • This book shall act as a source of inspiration to encourage readers to observe, attend, feel the power within, adapt and respond according to the context.

  • The books caters to the diverse needs of readers of any age, gender, race and social-economic background. Every reader who wishes to grow, improve their quality of life and fulfill their calling, can do so by first accepting oneself, the environment and the world as it is. This is imperative because acceptance is the prerequisite for change. This can be understood better by going through this well-iterated quote by Caroline Myss, an American author.

      “Seeing and admitting the truth about ourselves, about our role in creating   

      our own problems, and about how we relate to others is vital for healing”.

       -Caroline Myss​

  • In the context of psychotherapy, understanding the archetypal journey can encourage people with mental illness seek therapy, begin their journey towards recovery and build upon their strategies of resilience. Psychopathology as incongruence in one’s psyche can be well understood as we explore archetypal polarities and shadow. In the therapeutic setup, every client who puts in their best efforts to overcomes challenges, reduce their suffering and achieve equilibrium is on a hero’s journey. When the insights generated during the therapy sessions are applied by the client in real life scenarios, that’s when recovery begins and the hero’s journey is truly completed.

  • As we grow, we realise more about ourselves. Along the way, we may loose track of our true self and accept persona as oneself. This book advocates acceptance of the real self as it is through the process of individuation. This can be understood better with a wonderful quote given by Thomas Lavin, a Zürich-trained Jungian analyst.

      “Individuation is not a process of improvement or of getting better, but of becoming more “you”.

       -Thomas Lavin

  • This book promotes awareness of one’s unconscious struggles and sensitivity towards one’s as well as others suffering. This book strives to increase connectedness and understandings of recovery while validating personal experience and reducing stigma. This book offers hope and empowers the readers to consider multiple perspectives, keep self serving bias in check, take well-informed decisions, communicate well and put one’s creative shadow to use in order to solve problems.

  • It inspires every reader to awaken one’s hidden potentials, embrace one’s shadow, see onself as the hero and one’s life experiences as a part of hero’s journey, and stay strong despite adverse circumstances.

What intention to keep in your mind while reading this book?

  • While reading this book, it is important for the readers to understand that the concepts of the archetypal journey can be understood well only when we identify archetypal patterns in our real life and apply these concepts in reality to enjoy the true benefits offered by this book.

  • Archetypal journey is not going to be a bed of roses. Reconciliation with shadow, integrating archetypal polarities and being open to change is achievable when we remember our strengths, trust ourselves, and develop a growth mindset. Having realistic expectations can help the reader endure the pain that comes along the transformative hero’s journey. We believe in our readers that they will trust their instincts and carve their way out when the path ahead is unclear. Let’s understand the hero’s journey through a beautiful quote by the American actor who acted as Superman, Christopher Reeve.

       “A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, doubt or not always knowing the

       answers, goes ahead and overcomes         


       - Christopher Reeve​


  • This book doesn’t tell us what to do and what not. As humans, we are proud of our ability to use logic, solve problems, and take decisions. There is no compulsion to do anything that one doesn’t want to do or one doesn’t believe in. The book leaves the choice to the readers to decide which of the suggested ways in the book will be appropriate to one’s needs.

  • It is essential to read the book with an open mind, introspect to identify archetypes that in service of light which can be retained and commit to modify (sculpt) archetypes that are in service of shadow.

  • The book also talks about Mythology which involves stories with archetypal patterns that influences our psyche. The principles of different religions may not align with the reader but all the stories presented highlight the archetypal journeys in the context of spirituality which makes it relatable to every reader irrespective of their religious background.

  • We encourage the readers to understand why the author wrote the book and how it can be beneficial for the reader to go through it. The book propagates the concepts of archetypal journey which influence our psycho-social functioning and our ability to maintain interpersonal relationships.

  •  The book is all about the archetypal principles that, in some way or the other, can influence a person’s way of living and how some of these principles can also be used by therapists, mental health practitioners, and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) coaches to help their clients in improving their perception of life. Awareness, integration, and acceptance are the keys to bring about healthy and sustainable changes in one’s life.

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